What is the UV Accelerated Weathering Tester’s irradiance uniformity?

What is the UV Accelerated Weathering Tester’s irradiance uniformity?

There is no doubt that the UV Accelerated Weathering Tester also meets the uniformity of irradiance claimed by other equipment manufacturers, and we can state it more clearly: if you exclude the sample holders at the edges, we can provide an overall uniformity of irradiance of >90%.


Due to the physical and geometrical limitations of the chamber, the irradiance of the sample holders at the edges is lower than that of the samples in the middle of the chamber in all UV Accelerated Weathering Testers. The fluorescent UV lamp emits light over its entire length. The sample receives most of its light from the part of the lamp, but is also exposed to light from the parts of the lamp to the left and right of the sample. The sample on the left side, however, is not exposed to light from the left side because the lamp does not extend to the left. Similarly, the sample on the right side of the UV accelerated ageing tester will not be exposed to the light on its right side.      https://www.qinsun-lab.com/News-and-events/2057.html