The types of cleanroom windows

Beveled Window

the cleanroom windows are designed specifically for cleanroom applications. They do not have a wall shelf to make cleaning easier. The design eliminates corners that often collect dust, particles, and other microorganisms. It is a cost-effective alternative to dual flush window systems that usually require two separate pieces of glass. This design helps achieve FDA compliance.


Flush window

The windows are installed in the wall system to provide a completely flush surface. You can set the windows into the return air wall—insulating glass units or double-layer flush glass suitable for most designs.


The single-layer glass window features high transparency, low price, simple structure, and easy installation. 


Double flush window

Designed for interior wall applications that require flush surfaces on both sides of the wall, the dual flush window system provides an attractive appearance and two completely flush surfaces. The advantages of double-pane windows are heat insulation, good heat preservation, high transparency, and a beautiful appearance.