What are a relaxation massage and a Swedish massage?

1. Swedish Massage

Swedish massage includes light and soft rhythmic or tapping and long strokes on muscles. It also includes kneading on the body. This mainly focuses on the upper layers of muscles and the passive movement of joints. This will energize your body and make you relaxed. Use this to relieve tension from your body and pain from an injury.

Originally the term Swedish massage was introduced into the United States. Swedish massage usually has these strokes;

Petrissage: kneading and lifting of muscles. Slow, soft, and light strokes for relaxation and fast-deep pressure for improved circulation.

Effleurage: Long gliding strokes, slow or fast based on intention (relaxation/circulation)

Friction: Specific and more intended rubbing motion, deeper pressure to release tension and adhesion from muscle tissues.

Tapotement: Strokes that will affect muscle tissues and remove the broken tissues

Vibration: Vibrating movement on specific muscles.

2.Relaxation Massage

Relaxation massage as the name indicates is intended for relaxation and tension release from the body and muscles. It recharges your body and makes you ready for daily work challenges. It involves kneading and light strokes at the pressure of your choice. Visit our Relaxation Massage Spa and treat your precious body with a full-body relaxation massage.